Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all I would like to say thank you very much to Allah, who have given me blessing so that I can stand here like this afternoon
Secondly, I would like to say thank you to the committees who have given me a chance to follow in this nice occasion.

Indonesia is country whose have majority Muslim people in the world. Tragically only few of them have been doing Islamic law. It shows Islamic culture of Indonesia got extinction especially in adolescent. On the one hand, the fact that rate of religious observance is relatively law in among young Muslim.
Firstly, seems boyfriend or girlfriend is one of basic requirement of adolescent right now. According their mind side, that special friend can give good psychologist effect in their life. This is biggest mistake and deviated in rule's Islam. Explain something away because has provided in Al-qur'an An-nur (31) that we must keep from sight and protect our privates from non-mukhrim relation.
Secondly, in other hand, a special friend can help adolescent to treat their problems. they feels with court can get a happiness and satisfied. But basically is untrue. According psychology observations there are 60% adolescent have enjoyed their court in short time. It shows that Muslim adolescent of Indonesia is faithless. Whereas as holy Al-Qur'an can solve and cure our problems and makes our faith more strongly.
Thirdly, in the case court supported by valentine day, which is second big holiday of Christine. In Malaysia, valentine day had been got criticized by young Muslim generation. While in Indonesia that party precisely celebrated by young Muslim generation and serious problem the adolescents celebrate with their special friend. Whereas this is not Islam celebration. Actually Allah has remind as in Al- Kafiruun (6): for you is my religion and for me is my religion.
based the arguments, we as young Muslim generation must war on things which have demolition Islamic culture because Allah have chooses us to be a captain in this earth.

I think that's all and I hope this is information can be useful for everyone, and I still remember about no one person is perfect, so I want to apologize. Thank you for your attention.

wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
